Get your act together! Not preparing for the Big One is selfish Bill Radke speaks with Tom Martin, founding member of the American Preppers Network , about why he has an emergency supply of food and water. Martin... Bill Radke Matt Martin
Morning after the Big One in Seattle: How do you get supplies? Emergency responders across the Pacific Northwest are holding an exercise to test their skills in a magnitude 9.0 earthquake. It's called Cascadia... Carolyn Adolph
Are you mega-quake ready? Here's how the state is preparing Emily Fox talks with Lt. Col. Clayton Braun about Cascadia Rising, a four-day exercise to test the emergency response to a 9.0 magnitude earthquake... Emily Fox Andy Hurst
Where will you go when the Big One hits? After a big earthquake it could take 10 days for help to arrive, so neighborhoods will be on their own. The City of Seattle says communication hubs... Carolyn Adolph
Are you living in one of Seattle's 'buildings that kill'? Kim Malcolm speaks with Seattle Times reporter Sandi Doughton about why Seattle still has over a thousand unreinforced masonry buildings (full list here... Kim Malcolm Posey Gruener
California Takes Earthquakes Seriously. Why Don’t We? When a major quake hit San Francisco in 1989, the Cypress Street Viaduct collapsed, killing 42 people. The next day, Washington state officials saw... Carolyn Adolph
Hollow Columns Holding Up I-5, I-405 Bridges Could Implode In Major Quake Some of Washington state's busiest bridges have a surprising design feature deep inside their massive structures. John Ryan
Are Seattle Daycares Prepared For The Big One? For parents in the Seattle area, the idea of a big earthquake is scary enough. But what happens if a disaster strikes when your children are in daycare?... Ann Dornfeld
Burst Of Underground Activity Causes Thousands Of Tremors Around Seattle Thousands of tremors have happened north of Seattle since last week. This burst of underground activity is part of trend that started two weeks ago... Paige Browning
4.8 Earthquake Near San Juan Island – Is 'Slow Slip' To Blame? Thousands of people throughout the Puget Sound region felt a 4.8-magnitude earthquake Tuesday night centered between San Juan Island and Vancouver... Paige Browning