Ross Reynolds
Mayor Durkan on homeless encampments and the Navigation Team
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan joins us on Thursdays to take your calls. Leave us a voicemail at 206-221-3663.
August 19th | The legacy of Slade Gorton, Washington state political giant
Gorton has passed away at the age of 92. Politics today continues apace, with the Democratic National Convention taking place via video conference (like everything else these days). And should you be worried about farming? Yes if by land – maybe not if by sea.
August 18th | Seattle: frozen no more?
Has COVID-19 finally turned us into a friendlier city? (#ItTookAPandemic) A chat with the King County Executive, and a look at study results that suggest what we already know: wearing a mask can severely cut the risk of spreading the novel coronavirus.
August 17th | Police watchdog groups at odds over crowd control measures
Should SPD use blast balls and projectile launchers on crowds? Depends on who you ask. Seattle University ramps up for a COVID-compliant school year, and a look at what it means to eat consciously.
A police chief out and a vice presidential candidate in, this week
Ross Reynolds reviews the week's news with King 5 reporter Tony Black, Washington State Wire publisher DJ Wilson, and Q13 correspondent Brandi Kruse.
August 13th | On KRAB, listeners sat back and enjoyed the ride
A quirky old broadcaster’s legacy. A chat with the mayor about her police chief’s departure. The school board’s concerns in the face of the 2020-21 school year. And what we can expect from wildfire seasons going forward.
August 12th | COVID testing Yelp reviews
What was your testing experience like, and what would you want potential patients to know? And what’s next for policing in Seattle?
Reactions in the wake of the police chief’s resignation
What Carmen Best’s departure means to the city and community. Our weekly talk with King County Executive Dow Constantine. And a chat with City Councilmember Dan Strauss.
August 10th | One day we’ll be living in a post-vaccine world. What then?
Things that will change, and several things that won’t. A look at how the Samish tribal government is adapting to socially distant times. And the return of no-bid contracts.
July 23rd | Searching and rescuing in the time of coronavirus
The people who come scoop you out of a crevasse have their own worries during this pandemic. The mayor joins us for your calls. And reevaluating your relationship to cleanliness.