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Christie Keifer

Fiscal Unit Supervisor


As Fiscal Unit Supervisor in the Finance department, Christie supervises revenue and payables, and is responsible for accounting operations, compliance and process improvements, some department management, and internal controls.

Christie has been supporting numerous departments and schools at the University of Washington since 2015. She earned dual B.A. degrees in English and Communication from Pacific Lutheran University.

While she was raised in the South Sound, Christie has visited over 15 national parks and has “lived through the gate”* of four of them. Her favorites are the Redwoods, Point Reyes National Seashore, and the San Juan Islands.

Christie became a published poet one summer’s day at her mom’s house in Yellowstone National Park. She had written a poem about her favorite guitarist, Mike Gentile of Hey Monday, in her introduction to poetry and fiction class at PLU. She tweeted Mike, asking if he would read the poem if she were to send it to him. To her delight, he responded with an enthusiastic “yes!” She emailed it to him and he posted it on his Tumblr — she’s considered herself a published poet ever since.

In her spare time, Christie watches reruns of "Schitt’s Creek," "Gilmore Girls," and "Criminal Minds." Christie lives in Bonney Lake with her husband and two beloved cats, Rollie and Nibbles.

* living “through the gate” means one has to pass through the official park entrance to get to the house or residence