Courtney Flatt
To unravel some of the ocean's mysteries, scientists head to sea
At least twice a year, a team of scientists on NOAA's research vessel Bell M. Shimada survey waters along the Washington and Oregon coast.
New draft report says removing the Snake River dams would be best for salmon
Breaching the dams would be the best way to remove Snake River salmon runs from the Endangered Species List and the best way to maintain treaty and trust obligations with tribes, according to the report. It could cost from $10.3 billion to $27.2 billion.
Space gets dirty, thanks to the Yakima Valley
Lower Yakima Valley dirt to hitch a ride to space next week
How do you grow plants in space? Soil from the Lower Yakima Valley could help provide some key answers.
While spring rains help most of Washington, parts still under emergency drought
Eastern Washington is in for another hot, dry summer. But – spring rains mean the west side of the state will no longer face a drought.
Wildlife funding problems emerge as fewer people learn to hunt in the NW
Fewer people in the Northwest are learning to hunt, which causes funding problems for state fish and wildlife departments. To solve the funding problem, experienced hunters are teaching newbies how to get involved in the sport.
Scientists head to sea to learn more about ocean conditions
The place where salmon spend most of their lives also is the place scientists know the least about: the ocean.
Kids get a 'cool' and 'slimy' look at salmon conservation, science
A recent salmon field trip has helped students become more curious about salmon.
Black Washingtonians face many barriers to experiencing the outdoors, state report says
The Washington State Parks Commission says it wants more Black community members to enjoy the outdoors.
$3 million will help tribes study salmon reintroduction in the Upper Columbia Basin
Bringing salmon back to the Upper Columbia River will take a lot of time and a lot of money.