Life Kit
How do I get my boss to stop talking about politics at work?
Her boss won't stop talking about his political views at work. When he finds out they have differing outlooks, he treats her differently. A career coach weighs in on what to do.
8 life lessons we can learn from our dads
To honor the dads in our lives for Father's Day, we're sharing some of the best life advice our listeners ever got from their dads.
How 20 child-free adults respond to the question, 'Why don't you want to have kids?'
If you're child-free by choice, you may get comments from people wanting to know more about your decision. Life Kit asked our audience for their go-to responses about being child-free.
Earth Month is ending, but these sustainability tips are evergreen
Earth Month is ending, but Life Kit's audience has actionable sustainability tips you can use as inspiration for the rest of the year.
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