Sophie Ding
A 'RadioActive' Showcase Of The Magic Of Writing
Nothing is more powerful than the magic that comes from your mind, down your arm, through your fingertips, down your pen and onto the page. This month's...
Fandom: What happens when you like something too much?
Hordes of screaming people bowing down before an ancient god. This didn't happen in some ancient temple; this was a normal part of vacation for the...
A Belated Valentine From RadioActive
In honor of Valentine’s Day, RadioActive hosts Ann Kane and Sophie Ding bring you stories of young love. We find out what love means to preschoolers and...
Deep Dark Secrets Of The (Orchestra) Pit
Tuning her violin for a performance, Maeve McIver-Sheridan knows that she's preparing for a forgotten and thankless task. "You get to the end of a show and no one acknowledges us," McIver-Sheridan said, "unless my parents are there."