KUOW Wonders
What do you wonder about our region? Perhaps where Seattle crows go to roost at night. Or whether our region has an accent. Or what's on the bottom of Lake Washington.
KUOW Wonders invites you to submit questions that our audience will vote on. The winning question will then be assigned to a report/editor team.
VOTE! (Scroll down to submit a question)
Top Contributors
The mysterious story of a Seattle houseboat declared the Sovereign Nation of Tui Tui
What's the story behind the Seattle houseboat that is also a sovereign nation? KUOW Wonders readers wanted to know.
It's time to vote on the story we should report on! KUOW Wonders
KUOW asked you what questions nag at you about our region. We went through more than a thousand questions submitted and identified three to put to vote. The winning question will be assigned to a reporter/editor team. Which of these questions do you want reported on?
It's legal to be naked (anywhere) in Seattle
Nudity was made legal here in the case of Seattle v. Johnson. Yes, really
Where do Seattle-area crows go at night?
Listener Lauren Linscheid of Seattle sees crows flying every day toward Lake City Way. “I want to know where they’re going and why,” Lauren told KUOW’s Local Wonder team. We sent reporter Ashley Ahearn to investigate.
Do Pacific Northwesterners Have An Accent?
Do Pacific Northwesterners have an accent and what does it sound like? Listener Molly in Tacoma asked that question as part of KUOW's Local Wonder...