Feminism, Resilience, And The Needle In The Haystack

The graduates of "RadioActive’s" Fall 2014 Introductory Workshop: Noel Gasca, Azeb Tuji, Nathan Boss, Sokinna Keo, Amran Aden and Jaylen Wheeler.
This month, RadioActive is talking about issues that are not addressed enough. You’ll be hearing from some of the newest RadioActivians -- graduates of our fall workshops held in the Tukwila Community Center.
Azeb Tuji introduces us to a rockin' feminist.
Jaylen Wheeler tells his journey of being the odd man out.
Noel Gasca shares the story of a young women who seemed like she had it all but held a deep secret.
Also, Nia Price-Nascimento asks: what are peoples' first impressions of you?
Sit back, grab some hot cocoa and listen to some amazing stories for December's podcast. Happy Holidays!