Lindy And Meagan Rig The Election

For one shining moment you reached for the sky…and voted for the WINNER of Text Me Bracket, our deranged bracket game that pitted the Best Animals against the Worst People!
This week, Lindy and Meagan announce the winner and talk through the intense matchups, the various losers, Cinderella stories, and devastating upsets. From Kayak Dad to Mr. Darcy, there’s much to discuss. And when Text Me Bracket is done — win or lose — you always did your best, because inside you knew…that forcing random people and animals to compete against each other based on no discernible criteria is the most fun thing you can do.
TEXT ME BACK is a production of KUOW in Seattle, a proud member of the NPR Network. Our editor is Jeannie Yandel. Our senior producer is Brandi Fullwood. Our mixer is Jason Burrows.
Come to TEXT ME BACK LIVE! Join us at Town Hall Seattle on Friday March 15th 7:30-9:30pm. Grab your tickets here.
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