Listen to the voices of Seattle's African-American Writers' Alliance

Seattle's African-American Writers' Alliance members at The Elliott Bay Book Company
KUOW photo/Sonya Harris
For 26 years, Seattle’s African-American Writers’ Alliance has held a reading at The Elliott Bay Book Company on the last Saturday in February. The group’s mission is to provide support for new and published writers, provide peer review and create opportunities for public readings.
Their most recent gathering took place on February 24. They shared poems, stories and reflections from their new anthology “Voices That Matter.”
The readers include Margaret Barrie, Helen Collier, Minnie A. Collins, Gail Haynes, Merri Ann Osborne, Lola E. Peters, Gaylloyd Sissón, Kilam Tel Aviv, Santiago Vega and Jaye Ware. KUOW’s Sonya Harris recorded the readings.
Please note: This recording contains unedited language of an adult nature.