Sunday Puzzle: Your Favorite Dessert
On-air challenge: Every answer today is the name of a classic dessert in two or more words. I'll tell you the number of letters in the words and the first two letters of each word. You name the desserts.
Ex. [5,7] PE- CO- --> Peach cobbler
1. [3,5,8] IC- CR- SA-
2. [6,4,4] DE- FO- CA-
3. [5,8,3] LE- ME- PI-
4. [7,6,6] OA- RA- CO-
5. [3,5,6] HO- FU- SU-
6. [9,6] CH- MO-
7. [6,5] BA- SP-
8. [5,6] BA- AL-
9. [6,5] SA- TO-
10. [5,5] AP- CR-
11. [8,7] CH- JU-
12. [10,9] ST- SH-
Last week's challenge: This challenge comes from listener Chris Rohrer, of St. Paul, Minn. What familiar 10-letter word contains a silent B, E, and O — not necessarily in that order. And those three letters don't have to be consecutive in the word.
Challenge Answer: Subpoenaed
Winner: Chris Towles of Pfafftown, N.C.
This week's challenge: This week's challenge comes from listener Tyler Lipscomb of Hamden, Conn. Name something everyone has, starting with H. Add an E, and rearrange the letters. You'll name two things that every person must do to stay alive. [Copyright 2020 NPR]