'When do we get past the starting point?' Ask a transgender person

Transgender people are coming out (to welcome and rejection) more now than ever. We learn something about their experiences in news of a looming military service ban, from prominent transgender celebrities, TV shows and movies, but many of us don’t have personal connections with transgender people.
KUOW’s 'Ask A...'® series created a space for conversations at a recent Ask a Transgender Person event in West Seattle.
KUOW’s 'Ask A...'® events create a safe and respectful environment for people to explore each other's views. We set up one-on-one conversations for six minutes. After that, a bell rings, chairs are swapped and another conversation begins. At the end, we host a group discussion and a meal.
This event took place at the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center on Sunday August 20, 2017. You can listen to some of the conversations below.