Government Who was the anonymous donor behind the controversial kid playground at Denny Blaine nude beach? Normally a new playground wouldn’t raise eyebrows, but Denny Blaine, which sits on the shores of Lake Washington, is a haven for nudists, who worried they could be charged with indecent exposure to a minor. Ashley Hiruko
Race & Identity Hundreds of asylum-seekers move into park in Seattle's Central District After spending months bouncing from shelter-to-shelter, asylum seekers in Western Washington have now begun settling into camp near Seattle’s Garfield High School. It’s their latest move after funds for housing have run out yet again. Gustavo Sagrero Álvarez
Migrants descended on a Seattle tennis court. Then an anonymous donor paid for their hotel Catharine Smith
Education How a treasured Seattle school devolved into chaos Fourth- and fifth-graders smoking the bathroom. Kids attacking each other ... and their teachers. Students afraid to walk home from school. Ann Dornfeld Play AudioListen 5 mins
Seattle's newest landmark: Mount Zion Baptist Church What started in the 19th Century as a group of people holding church services in their homes, grew into the city's largest African American congregation... Paige Browning
New arts leader: 'Where are all the black folks in town?' The Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute in Seattle's Central District is a hub for black performing arts. For years the programming at the... Kim Malcolm Casey Martin Play AudioListen 5 mins
The man who steals houses in Seattle Seattle has a shortage of housing. But all over town, houses stand vacant. Either they’re in foreclosure, or they’re waiting to be torn down for... Joshua McNichols Play AudioListen 5 mins
Seattle passes Central District 'upzone' to encourage housing options A plan to bring more affordable housing to Seattle's Central District was approved by the City Council today. It's one part of the city's goal to add 20... Paige Browning
A bold plan to keep black residents in Seattle's Central District Earl Lancaster has been cutting hair at the corner of 23rd and Union for a quarter of a century. "Some of the highlights have been cutting some of the... Ann Dornfeld Play AudioListen 5 mins