Law & Courts Trump tracker: Washington state's legal challenges to the administration KUOW has compiled a comprehensive guide to Washington state's responses to the Trump administration. Teo Popescu
Law & Courts Transgender woman sues Washington state corrections department over placement in men’s facility She and her lawyers argue that her recent relocation to a men's prison is a violation of the state’s constitution, and are seeking her return to the Washington Corrections Center for Women. Gustavo Sagrero Álvarez
More mentors, better facilities, gear that fits. WA police departments are upping their game to recruit more women Just 12% of police officers nationwide are women. Washington state lags behind that already low number at 11%. Several law enforcement agencies statewide have signed on to a goal to increase women in the ranks. They’re recruiting women by offering strong mentorship programs and better-suited gear and facilities, among other strategies. But success is mixed, and larger agencies especially continue to struggle. Amy Radil Play AudioListen 5 mins
National Men took over a job fair intended for women and nonbinary tech workers The Grace Hopper Celebration was designed to celebrate and uplift workers who are traditionally underrepresented in the tech industry. This year, men showed up in droves. Emily Olson
Arts & Life USC study reveals Hollywood studios are still lagging when it comes to inclusivity A new University of Southern California report pinpoints areas that need improvement — as well as a few small wins. Chloe Veltman
Government Changing your legal name or gender in King County could get a little easier The county is also tasked with providing gender affirming care within five days of someone being booked into the county jail system. Gustavo Sagrero Álvarez
Government King County looks at policies to make it more gender inclusive Among other things, the plan could call for easier access for gender-affirming care for incarcerated people. Gustavo Sagrero Álvarez Play AudioListen 2 mins
Business Median earnings for full-time working WA men $14,600 higher than for women Washington state has one of the widest gender pay gaps in the nation. But KUOW's Monica Nickelsburg is exploring one strategy for changing that. Monica Nickelsburg Play AudioListen 5 mins
Business WA mushroom farm ordered to pay $3.4 million for discriminating against female workers A little more than a year ago, a Sunnyside mushroom farm put a job posting on Facebook, looking for only male workers. The post was made by a lead employee of the then Ostrom Mushroom farm. Now, the farm will have to pay out 3.4 million dollars to settle allegations of discrimination against workers it fired. Gustavo Sagrero Álvarez Play AudioListen 2 mins
Health Washington state lawmakers pass protections for gender-affirming care Washington state lawmakers approved a bill Wednesday that protects teen runaways seeking gender-affirming or reproductive health care. The bill is now headed to Gov. Jay Inslee's desk for a signature to make it official. Eilís O'Neill Play AudioListen 1 min