Health How to disagree at Thanksgiving without causing a food fight Mónica Guzmán shares helpful tips for more meaningful holiday conversations during potentially tense gatherings Kim Malcolm John O'Brien Play AudioListen 12 mins
Planes, trains, and automobiles (and ferries): Thanksgiving travel times in Western Washington In Western Washington, it's safe to say: Don't expect smooth and easy travel around Thanksgiving 2024. Know they busy times, and plan ahead. Dyer Oxley
Environment Before you spark up, know where fireworks are banned in western Washington Dyer Oxley KUOW Staff
Science National Siblings Day is a celebration born of love — and grief Claudia Evart, a woman who lost both her sister and her brother in separate accidents, created the day to honor the special relationships between siblings. It is on April 10 every year. Maria Godoy
Race & Identity Food, events, and the wider meaning of this Lunar New Year There are state and local efforts to make Lunar New Year a public holiday. Kim Malcolm Ruby de Luna Play AudioListen 5 mins
Politics Will Lunar New Year become a state-recognized holiday in Washington? The House Committee on State Government & Tribal Relations passed a bill Friday that would establish Lunar New Year as a legislatively Stephen Howie
Arts & Life Looking for ways to celebrate MLK Day? Here are 7 Seattle area options Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday is a Federal Holiday in the United States, observed on the third Monday of January. This year, the national holiday falls on King’s actual birthday, January 15th. Mike Davis
Health Making space for grief during the holidays The holidays can be exciting and fun, but they're also full of expectations. And for many, it's a time that can come with heavy emotions, including grief. Dr. Megan Shen from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center talks about ways to get through the holidays and make time for grief. Patricia Murphy Jennie Cecil Moore Play AudioListen 12 mins
Reflections on the deeper meaning of Hanukkah this year Rabbi Daniel Weiner shares thoughts on a festival of light and religious freedom Kim Malcolm John O'Brien Play AudioListen 5 mins
Health Have a hara hachi bu Thanksgiving. Healthy tips for not busting your gut ‘Some really fascinating research shows that even two to five minutes of walking right after a meal will dramatically decrease your blood sugar level, so you have less of a spike.’ Kim Malcolm John O'Brien Play AudioListen 8 mins