Environment Why famished orcas may have to wait 90 years for more salmon That’s what environmental activists found as they began to restore the tiny Rhone-Poulenc salt marsh deep in the industrial bowels of Tacoma. John Ryan
Environment Stop fishing salmon, orca lovers say. You’re missing the point, Skagit tribe says At meeting after public meeting over the past six months, orca lovers and orca experts have urged bold action: Everything from removing dams to restricting or banning activities that can harm the whales. John Ryan
Environment For orcas, the ocean is like a super loud upstairs neighbor In Canada, the Port of Vancouver has ships slowing down through orca habitat. Now, some are hoping to do the same in Puget Sound. Eilís O'Neill
Environment Most southern resident orcas are related. Is that a problem? In their latest effort, NOAA Fisheries researchers will study the genetic code of 100 living and dead whales in the southern resident population. Paige Browning
Environment Toxic PCBs threaten orcas around the world Killer whales can be found around the world, and more than half of those populations are threatened by toxic chemicals called PCBs, according to a new study in the journal Science. John Ryan
Environment Another ailing orca – and three pregnant ones Governor's task force seeks comments on its recommendations to save 74 whales from extinction as three of them are found to be pregnant. John Ryan
Environment One way to watch orcas without disturbing them? On land LISTEN to giddy-sounding orca vocalizations (are they laughing??) John Ryan
Environment Should you feel guilty for eating Chinook salmon? Given the starving orca population in the Puget Sound, we look at whether or not humans should stop eating Chinook salmon. Sophie Reid Bill Radke