Masks, bikes and olive oil stains this week

Bill Radke reviews the week's news with Essex Porter of Kiro-7, CR Douglas of Q13, and Monica Nickelsburg of Geekwire.
This week King County announced you must wear a face mask in public starting Monday, May 18th. Will this directive be enforced? And how are Seattlites feeling about it?
Plus, in two weeks King County is set to enter phase 2 of the governor's reopening plan. What does that mean for local restaurants and businesses?
One other change that the pandemic has brought - there are no more bike share companies in the city. What happened to them? Will they, or electric scooters, return? And that's not our only transportation news. The West Seattle bridge is down indefinitely. What's the city doing to help people get to and from West Seattle?
Additionally, Washington political candidates have until the end of today to file their run for office. Who's running as of now? And why is the lieutenant governor race actually looking kind of interesting?
Finally, Representative Matt Shea already holds a political office. So, why is he pouring olive oil on the steps of the capitol? And we talk about what's making us happy this week.